Bloomington Minnesota

11201 Hampshire Avenue
South Bloomington, Minnesota 55438

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SMC's most recent expansion came in 2020 via an aquisition of Nelson Numeric in Bloomington, Minnesota. Nelson provides services primarily to the Aerospace and Defense market.

Nelson Numeric is a precision manufacturing company built for performance, accuracy and value.

The company continues to expand its expertise and capability within specialized markets including the vast and exciting aerospace arena, defense and weaponry, along with fluids and hydraulics.

Nelson Numeric operates under strict quality guidelines adhering to our AS9100, ISO9001 and ITAR Certifications. We are focused on quality in all areas of performance.

From the expertise of our machinists, process and manufacturing engineers, inspectors and management; listening to each requirement and finding the most strategic and cost-effective methods to aide in each customer's success-track, has proven to be successful for our company.

This modern, clean and well-planned facility is 60,000 square feet is climate controlled and expansion-ready. Our equipment is high-end, current, well-maintained and is operated by the best professional manufacturing personnel. This facility also features a dedicated and well-staffed inspection department with the latest in inspection/testing metrology.

Nelson Numeric is an AS9100 Certified Aerospace Organization that successfully meets International Aviation, Space and Defense high quality & compliance standards with extensive customer and regulatory requirements.


Nelson Numeric places a high priority on continuous improvement. By listening closely to each customer request, strategic moves have been made to emphasize and claim a more robust capability-set.

Well-developed and highly-recognized listening skills.

The ability and desire to be in constant communication with customers.

Current and practiced quality initiatives and achieved industry certificates.

Modern, clean and well-planned facility; expansion-ready, if needed.

A management team with years of solid, hands-on experience.

In-house, professional quality and manufacturing engineers.


Nelson Numeric is an AS9100 Certified Aerospace Organization that successfully meets International Aviation, Space and Defense high quality & compliance standards with extensive customer and regulatory requirements.

  • Process Based Quality Management System integrated into Business Operations
  • Risk Management/Risk-Based Thinking
  • Change Management
  • Knowledge Management
  • Continuous Improvement Cycle
  • Internal & External Customer Focus
  • Safety First Culture

Our Quality Management System is based upon a Continuous Improvement Process Model.

Repeatable Outcomes.
Measurable Performance Benchmarks.
Consistent Quality Standards.

As an integral part of our strategic business practices, specific quality initiatives are in place and universally adhered to. Led by consistent attention to every detail of the design, production and delivery process, the Nelson Numeric Quality Standards are sanctioned, in large part, by operating under the strict guidelines of the various Regulations and Certifications Nelson Numeric has achieved.

We initiate projects utilizing advanced quality planning, establishing qualification process criteria, creating process control plans and planning for ongoing production evaluations.

Our cross-functional teams perform detailed analysis to look for potential failures (PFMEA) solving problems up-front.

We house state-of-the-art coordinate measuring machines (CMM) operated by experienced technicians. All CMM’s and other digital equipment, such as programmable video measurement systems, are supported by the most current data-collection software.

The new 60,000 sq. ft facility operates under current good manufacturing practices (cGMP).

Advanced Quality Planning
Process Development and Control
First Article Inspection Reports
Ballooned Drawings
Capability Studies
Gage R&R
Hardness Testing
Creating Customized Documents/Reports Using InspectionXpert Software
VMI and Kanban
Provide Quality Customer Service

Consistent Quality Standards are achieved through:
Early Detection
Early Intervention
Successful Outcomes

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